Sunday, March 8, 2015

Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist.

Olinto De Pretto (1857–1921) was an Italian industrialist and geologist from Schio- Vicenza. There are claims that De Pretto may have been the first person to derive the energy–mass-equivalenc E=mc2, generally attributed to Albert Einstein, He suggested that radioactive decay of  uranium and thorium was an example of mass transforming into energy(!), exactly what mc2, try to say.
"The matter of any body contains within it a sum of energy represented by the entire mass of the body[... ] Nobody will easily admit that, stored in a latent state, in any kilogram of matter, completely hidden to all our investigations, hides such a sum of energy, equivalent to the amount that can be extracted from [burning] millions and millions of kilograms of coal."

                                                                                                     Olinto de Pretto. 

In one word: e=mc^2,  forget all about e=1/2mv^2. It´s just the same equation.



Some of the people that Einstein, in a way or another, plagiarized:
James Maxwell 
Hendrik Lorentz
Robert Brown
Olinto de Pretto 
Josiah Gibbs
Ludwig Boltzmann
Joseph Larmor
J. J. Thomsom
...the list is really extensive.

 Anyone who has read Einstein's 1905 paper will immediately recognize the similarity and the lack of originality on the part of Einstein.

Thus, we see that the only thing original about the paper was the term 'Special Theory of Relativity.' EVERYTHING ELSE WAS PLAGIARIZED. Over the next few years, Poincaré‚ became one of the most important lecturers and writers regarding relativity, but he never, in any of his papers or speeches, mentioned Albert Einstein.

 THUS, THE EXPERIMENTS OF THOMSON, KAUFMANN, AND FINALLY, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, HASENÖRHL, CONFIRMED MAXWELL'S WORK. IT IS LUDICROUS TO BELIEVE THAT EINSTEIN DEVELOPED THIS POSTULATE , particularly in light of the fact that Einstein did not have the laboratory necessary to conduct the appropriate experiments.

Believe it  or not, Einsten NEVER conduct, nor even a single experiment. Everything was took from other`s people experiments or books.
Eisntein was a fraud, He himself, was so confident about this, with exaggerated pedantry, said:

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."



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